Kevin Bracken is the secretary of the Victorian Branch of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) (see: ) and is the President of the Victorian Trades Hall Council (see: ) .
Kevin Bracken excited controversy when he phoned an ABC Radio National program hosted by Jon Faine and expressed disquiet over the “official” 9-11 story: “"I believe the official story is a conspiracy theory that doesn't stand up to scientific scrutiny. In my mind the buildings were imploded. I challenge you to a public debate. Aviation fuel doesn't get hot enough to melt steel and no high rise steel frame building before or after September 11 has ever collapsed due to fire. I stick to scientific fact." Jon Faine described the claim as a "nutter theory" (see Shannon Deery, “Trades Hall president calls 9/11 “conspiracy”, Herald Sun, October 20, 2010: ).
Pro-US, pro-Zionist and pro-war Australian Labor PM Julia Gillard responded thus about Kevin Bracken’s comments in Parliament when pro-US, pro-Zionist and pro-war Opposition MPs Josh Frydenberg and Christopher Pyne asked her to take disciplinary action against Kevin Bracken: "Obviously I don’t agree with the remarks, obviously they are stupid and wrong. The Labor Party is a large organisation, people join it as individuals – we don’t dictate what people think... However, can I also say this: if it is in the intention of the Leader of the Opposition to expel every individual from the Liberal Party who makes a stupid statement, I'll start sending him a weekly list." (see Samantha Donovan and staff, “Unionist’s 9/11 comments “stupid and wrong”: Gillard”. ” ABC News, 20 October, 2010: )
MUA national secretary Paddy Crumlin: "in no way does he [Kevin Bracken] represent the views of the MUA. There may be people in the MUA or elsewhere who also believe that no one went to the moon either.” (see Ewin Hannan, “Union, Gillard reject “stupid” 9/11 theory”” The Australian, 21 October 21, 2010: ).
Victorian Trades Hall secretary Brian Boyd: “The official Trades Hall position is not to entertain that theory. We had almost 3000 working people killed in that terrorist attack. It was a terrorist attack, and we condemn it. He is welcome to his views and we've discussed his theories. But I totally disagree. 99 per cent of the time Kevin's a very good president.” (see Shannon Deery, “Trades Hall president calls 9/11 “conspiracy”, Herald Sun, October 20, 2010: ).
Victorian Attorney General Rob Hulls quoted by the Herald Sun: “”Attorney General Rob Hulls said “loopy” conspiracy theories “verge on the delusional” and Mr Bracken must be reprimanded. “He probably also belives that Elvuis Presley is alive and working at his local 7-Eleven”, Mr Hulls said. “And knows who shot at [former Victorian premier] Jeff Kennett? This is loopy stuff.” (Herald Sun, 21 October 2010, p9).
Federal Opposition Victorian MP Josh Frydenberg asked PM Gillard in Parliament what action she would take against Mr Bracken “to send a message that such remarks are unacceptable” ( Shannon Deery, Stephen McMahon, “Trades Hall President stands by his 9/11 conspiracy”, Herald Sun, 21 October 2010: ).
Victorian Shadow Attorney General Robert Clarke re Kevin Bracken 's comments and Australian soldiers serving in Afghanistan: "It strikes at the very heart of the West's struggle against terrorism and it is a disgrace that while Australian soldiers are serving and dying in Afghanistan that Mr Bracken make these wild claims that undermine the very reason for their presence in Afghanistan...The Trades Hall Council needs to consider Mr Bracken's future as its president and the MUA needs to consider his future as their secretary. These comments can't stand they need to be condemned in the strongest possible terms'' ( Shannon Deery, Stephen McMahon, “Trades Hall President stands by his 9/11 conspiracy”, Herald Sun, 21 October 2010: ).
As of 1600 23 October 2020, 73% of respondents said "Yes" to the Herald Sun question "Do you think Kevin Bracken's comments were reasonable?" ( Shannon Deery, Stephen McMahon, “Trades Hall President stands by his 9/11 conspiracy”, Herald Sun, 21 October 2010: ).
Kevin Bracken "has renewed his call for a fresh inquiry into the [9/11] attacks" (The Australian, 21 October 2010, p3).
Dr Gideon Polya sent the following letter to media, MPs and others on Saturday 23 October 2010 in support of rational risk management and Kevin Bracken's comments:
"Australian union official Kevin Bracken has courageously stated that the “official US conspiracy theory” about 9-11 does not stand up to scientific scrutiny and has demanded a proper inquiry. A 5-decade career scientist, I object to the false and offensive abuse directed at Kevin Bracken and endorse his concerns about the “official version” of successive, egregiously violent and dishonest US Administrations and his call for a proper investigation.
Many scientific and intelligence experts dispute the “official US version” and indeed assert that the US was complicit in the 9-11 atrocity (for details Google “Experts: US did 9-11” and “Scholars for 9-11 Truth”).
Whether industrial safety issues or mass mortality occurrences such as the 9-11 atrocity, there is a common requirement for rational risk management that successively involves (a) accurate data, (b) scientific analysis and (c) systemic change to minimize risk. However re 9-11 there have been (a) lies, intimidation and censorship, (b) anti-science spin and (c) unsubstantiated blaming, terror hysteria and wars associated so far with 8 million avoidable deaths (2.5 million Iraqi, 4.9 million Afghan and 0.8 million opiate drug-related deaths - 3,000 Australian, 100,000 American - linked to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry).
PS. See “Experts: US did 9-11”: and “Scholars for 9-11 truth”: ."Kevin Bracken on 9/11 (2006): “If they want to stop terrorism they've got to look at who was really behind September 11. It couldn't have happened unless there was participation from key elements of the American military and government and security services. I am not saying the whole lot were involved. But I believe the official story for September 11 doesn't stack up." [1].
Kevin Bracken on 9/11 to Jon Faine (ABC) (2010): “"I believe the official story is a conspiracy theory that doesn't stand up to scientific scrutiny. In my mind the buildings were imploded. I challenge you to a public debate. Aviation fuel doesn't get hot enough to melt steel and no high rise steel frame building before or after September 11 has ever collapsed due to fire. I stick to scientific fact..” [1].
Kevin Bracken responding to abuse from Jon Faine on ABC (2010): “Unfortunately cowards like yourself have set the political agenda in this country for too long. I won't be cowered down to bullies like yourself.” [2].
[1]. Kevin Bracken quoted by Shannon Deery, “Trades Hall president calls 9/11 “conspiracy”, Herald Sun, October 20, 2010: .
[2]. Shannon Deery, Stephen McMahon, “Trades Hall President stands by his 9/11 conspiracy”, Herald Sun, 21 October 2010: .
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