Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ahmadinejad: "majority of the American people as well as other nations and politicians" think that US did 9-11

According to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "majority of the American people as well as other nations and politicians" think that US did 9-11.

Here is the full text of Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech to the 65th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, September 2010 (see Iranian UN Mission: and ). The key parts are in bold.

"Mr. President,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am grateful to the Almighty God who granted me the opportunity to appear

before this world assembly once again. I wish to begin by commemorating those who

lost their lives in the horrible flood in Pakistan and express my heartfelt sympathy

with the families who lost their loved ones as well as with the people and the

government of Pakistan. I urge everyone to assist their fellow men and women as a

humane duty.

Let me thank H.E. Mr. Ali Abdussalam Treki, the President of the he sixtyfourth

session of the United Nations General Assembly, for all his efforts during his

tenure. I also would like to congratulate H.E. Mr. Joseph Deiss, the President of the

sixty-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly and wish him all success.

In the past years, I spoke to you about some of the hopes and concerns,

including family crises, security, human dignity, world economy, climate change as

well as the aspiration for justice and lasting peace.

After about one hundred years of domination, the system of Capitalism and the

existing world order has proved to be unable to provide appropriate solution to the

problems of societies, thus coming to an end. I shall try to examine the two main

causes of this failure and picture some features of the ideal future order.

A) Attitudes and Beliefs

As you are well aware, the divine prophets had the mission to call everyone to

monotheism, love and justice and show mankind the path to prosperity. They invite

men to contemplation and knowledge in order to better appreciate the truth and to

avoid atheism and egoism. The very nature of the message of all prophets is one and

the same. Every messenger endorsed the messenger before him and gave glad tidings

about the prophet to come, and presented a more complete version of the religion in

accordance with the capacity of the man at the time. This continued up to the last

messenger of God who presented the perfect and all inclusive religion.

In opposition to that, the egotist and the greedy stood up against this clear call,

revolting against the message.

Nimrod countered Hazrat Abraham, Pharaoh countered Hazrat Moses and the

greedy countered Hazrat Jesus Christ and Hazrat Mohammad (Peace be upon them

all). In the recent centuries, the human ethics and values have been rejected as a cause

for backwardness. They were even portrayed as opposing wisdom and science

because of the earlier infliction on man by the proclaimers of religion in the dark ages

of the West

Man’s disconnection from Heaven detached him from his true self.

Man with his potentials for understanding the secrets of the universe, his instinct

for seeking truth, his aspirations for justice and perfection, his quest for beauty and

purity and his capacity to represent God on earth was reduced to a creature limited to

the materialistic world with a mission to maximize individualistic pleasures. Human

instinct, then, replaced true human nature.

Human beings and nations were considered rivals and the happiness of an

individual or a nation was defined in collision with, and elimination or suppression of

others. Constructive evolutionary cooperation was replaced with a destructive struggle

for survival.

The lust for capital and domination replaced monotheism which is the gate to love

and unity.

This widespread clash of the egoist with the divine values gave way to slavery and

colonialism. A large portion of the world came under the domination of a few western

States. Tens of millions of people were taken to slavery and tens of millions of

families were shattered as a result. All the resources, the rights and the cultures of the

colonized nations were plundered. Lands were occupied and the indigenous people

were humiliated and mass- murdered.

Yet, nations rose up, colonialism was alienated and the independence of the nations

was recognized. Thus, the hope for respect, prosperity and security was revived

amongst nations. In the beginning of the past century nice talks about freedom,

human rights and democracy created hopes for healing the deep wounds of the past.

Today, however, not only those dreams are not realized, but memories, even at times

worse than before, have been recorded.

As a result of the two World Wars, the occupation of Palestine, the Korean and the

Vietnam’s Wars, the Iraqi war against Iran, the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq as

well as many wars in Africa, hundreds of millions of people were killed, wounded or


Terrorism, illicit drugs, poverty and the social gaps increased. The dictatorial and

coup d’etat governments in Latin America committed unprecedented crimes with the

support of the West.

Instead of disarmament, the proliferation and stockpiling of nuclear, biological and

chemical weapons expanded, putting the world under a bigger threat. As a result, the

very same old goals of colonialists and the slave masters were, this time round,

pursued with a new facade.

B) The Global Management and Ruling Structures

The League of Nations and, then, the United Nations were established with the

promise to bring about peace, security and the realization of human rights, which in

fact meant a global management.

One can analyze the current governance of the world by examining three events:

First, the event of the II September 2001 which has affected the whole world for

almost a decade.

All of a sudden, the news of the attack on the twin towers was broadcast using

numerous footages of the incident.

Almost all governments and known figures strongly condemned this incident.

But then a propaganda machine came into full force; it was implied that the whole

world was exposed to a huge danger, namely terrorism, and that the only way to save

the world would be to deploy forces into Afghanistan.

Eventually Afghanistan, and shortly thereafter Iraq were occupied.

Please take note:

It was said that some three thousands people were killed on the II September for

which we are all very saddened. Yet, up until now, in Afghanistan and Iraq hundreds

of thousands of people have been killed, millions wounded and displaced and the

conflict is still going on and expanding.

In identifying those responsible for the attack, there were three viewpoints.

1- That a very powerful and complex terrorist group, able to successfully cross

all layers of the American intelligence and security, carried out the attack.

This is the main viewpoint advocated by American statesmen.

2- That some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to

reverse the declining American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order

also to save the Zionist regime.

The majority of the American people as well as other nations and politicians agree

with this view.

3- It was carried out by a terrorist group but the American government supported

and took advantage of the situation. Apparently, this viewpoint has fewer proponents.

The main evidence linking the incident was a few passports found in the huge

volume of rubble and a video of an individual whose place of domicile was unknown

but it was announced that he had been involved in oil deals with some American

officials. It was also covered up and said that due to the explosion and fire no trace of

the suicide attackers was found.

There remain, however, a few questions 10 be answered:

1- Would it not have been sensible that first a thorough investigation should have

been conducted by independent groups to conclusively identify the elements involved

in the attack and then map out a rational plan to take measures against them?

2- Assuming the viewpoint of the American government, is it rational to launch a

classic war through widespread deployment of troops that led to the death of hundreds

of thousands of people to counter a terrorist group?

3- Was it not possible to act the way Iran countered the Riggi terrorist group who

killed and wounded 400 innocent people in Iran. In the Iranian operation no innocent

person was hurt.

It is proposed that the United Nations set up an independent fact-finding group for

the event of the II September so that in the future expressing views about it is not


I wish to announce here that next year the Islamic Republic of Iran will host a

conference to study terrorism and the means to confront it. I invite officials, scholars,

thinkers, researchers and research institutes of all countries to attend this conference.

Second, is the occupation of the Palestinian territories

The oppressed people of Palestine have lived under the rule of an occupying

regime for 60 years, been deprived of freedom, security and the right to selfdetermination,

while the occupiers are given recognition. On a daily basis, the houses

are being destroyed over the heads of innocent women and children. People are

deprived of water, food and medicine in their own homeland. The Zionists have

imposed five all-out wars on the neighboring countries and on the Palestinian people.

The Zionists committed the most horrible crimes against the defenseless people in

the wars against Lebanon and Gaza.

The Zionist regime attacked a humanitarian flotilla in a blatant defiance of all

international norms and kills the civilians.

This regime which enjoys the absolute support of some western countries regularly

threatens the countries in the region and continues publicly announced assassination

of Palestinian figures and others, while Palestinian defenders and those opposing this

regime are pressured, labeled as terrorists and anti Semites. All values, even the

freedom of expression, in Europe and in the United States are being sacrificed at the

altar of Zionism.

Solutions are doomed to fail because the right of the Palestinian people is not taken

into account.

Would we have witnessed such horrendous crimes if instead of recognizing the

occupation, the sovereign right of the Palestinian people had been recognized?

Our unambiguous proposition is the return of the Palestinian refugees to their home

land and the reference to the vote of the people of Palestine to exercise their

sovereignty and decide on the type of governance.

Third, is the nuclear energy

Nuclear energy is clean and cheap and a heavenly gift which is amongst the most

suitable alternatives to cut the pollutions emanating from fossil fuels.

The Non- Proliferation Treaty (NPT) allows all member States to use nuclear

energy without limits and the International Atomic Energy Agency is mandated to

provide member States with technical and legal support.

The nuclear bomb is the worst inhumane weapon and which must totally be

eliminated. The NPT prohibits its development and stockpiling and calls for nuclear


Nonetheless, note what some of the permanent members of the Security Council

and nuclear bomb holders have done:

They have equated nuclear energy with the nuclear bomb, and have distanced this

energy from the reach of most of nations by establishing monopolies and pressuring

the IAEA. While at the same time, they have continued to maintain, expand and

upgrade their own nuclear arsenals.

This has entailed the following:

Not only the nuclear disarmament has not been realized but also nuclear bombs

have been proliferated in some regions, including by the occupying and intimidating

Zionist regime.

I would like here to propose that the year 20 II be proclaimed the year of nuclear

disarmament and “Nuclear Energy for all, Nuclear Weapons for None”.

In all these cases the United Nations has been unable to take any effective course

of action. Unfortunately, in the decade proclaimed as the “International Decade for the

Culture of Peace” hundreds of thousands were killed and injured as a result of war,

aggression and occupation, and hostilities and antagonism increased.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Very recently the world witnessed the ugly and inhumane act of burning the Holy


The Holy Quran is the Divine Book and the eternal miracle of the Prophet oflslam.

It calls for worshipping the One God, justice, compassion toward people,

development and progress, reflection and thinking, defending the oppressed and

resisting against the oppressors; and it names with respect the previous Messengers of

God, like Noah, Abraham, Isaaq, Joseph, Moses and Jesus Christ (Peace be Upon

them all) and endorses them.. They burned Quran to bum all these truths and good

judgments. However, the truth could not be burned. Quran is eternal because God and

truth are everlasting. This act and any other act which widens the gap and distances

between nations is evil. We should wisely avoid playing into the hands of Satan. On

behalf of the Iranian nation I pay respect to all Divine Books and their followers. This

is the Quran and this is the Bible. I pay respect to both of them.

Esteemed Friends,

For years the inefficiency of the capitalism and the existing world management and

structures has been exposed and the majority of States and nations have been on a

quest for fundamental changes and for the prevalence ofjustice in global relations.

The cause of the United Nation’s ineptitude is in its unjust structure. Major power

is monopolized in the Security Council due to the veto privilege, and the main pillar

of the Organization, namely the General Assembly, is marginalized.

In the past several decades, at least one of the permanent members of the Security

Council has always been a party to the disputes.

The veto advantage grants impunity to aggression and occupation; How could,

therefore, one expect competence while both the judge and the prosecutor are a party

to the dispute?

Had Iran enjoyed veto privilege, would the Security Council and the IAEA

Director General have taken the same position in the nuclear issue?

Dear Friends,

The United Nations is the key center for coordinating the common global

management. Its structure needs to be reformed in a manner that all independent

States and nations be able to participate in the global governance actively and


The veto privilege should be revoked and the General Assembly should be the

highest body and the Secretary-General should be the most independent official and

all his positions and activities should be taken with the approval of the General

Assembly and should be directed towards promoting justice and eliminating


The Secretary-General should not come under pressure from powers and/or the

country hosting the Organization for his stating the truth and administration ofjustice.

It is suggested that the General Assembly should, within one year and in the

framework of an extraordinary session, finalize the reformation of the Organization’s


The Islamic Republic of Iran has clear suggestions in this regard and stands ready

to participate actively and constructively in the process.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I announce clearly that the occupation of other countries under the pretext of

freedom and democracy is an unforgivable crime.

The world needs the logic of compassion and justice and inclusive participation

instead oflogic offorce, domination, unilateralism, war and intimidation.

The world needs to be governed by virtuous people like the Divine Prophets.

The two vast geographical spheres, namely Africa and Latin America, have gone

through historic developments during the past decades. The new approaches in these

two continents, which are based on increasing level of integration and unity as well as

on localizing the growth and development models, have born considerable fruits to the

‘peoples of those regions. The awareness and wisdom of the leaders of these two

continents has overcome the regional problems and crises without the domineering

interference of non-regional powers.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has expanded its relations with the Latin America

and Africa in all aspects in recent years.

And about the glorious Iran,

The Tehran Declaration was a hugely constructive step in confidence building

efforts which was made possible through the admirable good will by the governments

of Brazil and Turkey along with the sincere cooperation of the Iranian government.

Although the Declaration received inappropriate reaction by some and was

followed by an unlawful resolution, it is still valid.

We have observed the regulations of the IAEA more than our commitments, yet,

we have never submitted to illegally imposed pressures nor will we ever do so.

It has been said that they want to pressure Iran into a dialogue. Well, firstly, Iran

has always been ready for a dialogue based on respect and justice. Secondly, methods

based on disrespecting nations have long become ineffective. Those who have used

intimidation and sanctions in response to the clear logic of the Iranian nation are in

real terms destroying the remaining credibility of the Security Council and the trust of

nations for this body, proving once and again how unjust is the function of the


When they threaten a great nation such as Iran which is known throughout history

for its scientists, poets, artists and philosophers and whose culture and civilization is

synonymous to purity, submission to God and seeking justice, how can they ever

expect that other nations grow confidence on them?

It goes without saying that domineering methods in managing the world has failed.

Not only has the era of slavery and colonialism and dominating the world passed, the

path to the reviving old Empires are blocked, too.

We have announced that we stand ready for a serious and free debate with the

American Statesmen to express our transparent views on issues of importance to the

world in this very venue.

It is proposed here that in order to have a constructive dialogue, an annual free

debate be organized within the General Assembly.

In conclusion,

Friends and Colleagues,

The Iranian nation and the majority of the world’s nations and governments are

against the current discriminatory management of the world.

The inhumane nature of this management has put it at a dead-end and requires a

major overhaul.

Reforming the world’s affairs and bringing about tranquility and prosperity

requires the participation of all, pure thoughts and the divine and humane


We are all ofthe idea that:

Justice is the basic element for peace, durable security and the spread of love

among peoples and nations. It is in the justice that mankind seeks the realization of his

aspirations, rights and dignity, since he is wary of oppression, humiliation and ill


The true nature of mankind is manifested in the love for other fellow humans and

love for all the good in the world. Love is the best foundation for establishing relation

amongst people and amongst nations.

As Vahshi Bafqi, the great Iranian poet, says:

“From the fountain of youth, drink thousand sips

You’ll still die if you don’t have love’s grip”

In making a world full of purity, safety and prosperity people are not rivals but


Those who see their happiness but in the sorrow of others and their welfare and

safety but in others’ insecurity, those who see themselves superior to others, are out of

the path of humanity and are in evil’s course.

Economy and materialistic means are only some tools to serve others, to create

friendship and strengthen human connections for spiritual perfection. They are not

tools for show-off or means of dominating others.

Men and women complements each other and family unit with pure, loving and

long-lasting relation of the spouses in its center is the guarantee for the continuity and

the bringing up generations, for true pleasures, for spreading love and for reforming of

the societies.

Woman is a reflection of God’s beauty and is the source of love and caring. She is

the guardian of purity and exquisiteness of the society.

The tendency to toughen the souls and behaviors of women deprives them from

their very basic right of being a loving mother and a caring wife. It would result in a

more violent society with irreversible defects.

Freedom is a divine right that should serve peace and human perfection.

Pure thoughts and the will of the righteous are keys to the gates of a pure life full

of hope, liveliness and beauty.

This is the promise of God that the earth will be inherited by the pure and the

righteous. And the people free from selfishness will take up the management of the

world. Then, there will be no trace of sorrow, discrimination, poverty, insecurity and

aggression. The time for true happiness and for the blossoming of the true nature of

humankind, the way God has intended, will arrive.

All those seeking for justice and all the free spirits have been waiting for this

moment and have promised such glorious time.

The complete human, the true servant of God and the true friend of the mankind

whose father was from the generation of the beloved Prophet of Islam and whose

mother was from the true believers of the Jesus Christ, shall wait along with Jesus the

son of Marry and the other righteous to appear on those brilliant times and assist the


In welcoming them we should join ranks and seek justice.

Praise to Love and worship, praise to justice and freedom, praise to the true

humanity, the complete human, the true companion of the humankind and peace be

upon you and all the righteous and the pure.

Thank you."

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