Thursday, September 15, 2011

Alan Hart, UK ME journalist & writer: 9/11 WTC buildings down by US explosive demolition, likely Israeli involvement

Alan Hart is a former ITN and BBC Panorama correspondent who covered wars and conflicts around the world and a specialist on the Middle East. He is the author of “Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews” (see Wikipedia: and Alan Hart, “The End of Zionism?”, The Canadian Charger, 9 December 2009: ).

Alan Hart speaking the on the Kevin Barrett Show about explosive demolition of the World Trade Centre buildings 9/11, US involvement and possible Israeli involvement in 9-11 (2009): ““My guess is that at an early point they [Mossad] said to the bad guys in the CIA – hey this operation’s running what do we do, and the zionists and the neo-cons said let’s use it … The twin towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion, not the planes.” [1].

Partial transcript of Alan Hart interview with Kevin Barrett: "Hart calls the 1967 USS Liberty incident [34 US servicemen killed in cold blood by the Israelis] a war crime, and says (at 35:50 of the mp3):

The lesson of the cold-blooded attack on the Liberty was that there is nothing that the Zionist state might not do to its friends as well as its enemies to get its own way.”

In response, Kevin Barrett, the program's host, states (at 40:45 of the mp3):

“This actually lends some credibility to the people who argue that 9/11 -- whatever happened on 9/11 -- that it wasn't what we've been told. That whoever ordered the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center -- there are those who argue that Israel, its Mossad and its U.S. allies could have done it, and that it was essentially a Mossad operation. And there are others who say "that's ridiculous. How could a little country like Israel do something like that?" Well ... if you look at the Liberty incident ... it's not clear that there's really any limit to what the Israeli hawks think they can get away with in terms of attacking America.”

Hart replies:“I'm going to break a rule now. I mean, you mentioned 9/11. Basically, in public, I don't talk about it because it makes you such a target for abuse and false charges of anti-Semitism and everything, doesn't it?”

Barrett breaks in to heartily agree. Hart continues: “So basically, I've stayed away from it because it give them the focus to take the attention away from your main message. But, since you've mentioned it, I'll tell you what I honestly believe. I think it probably started out as an all Muslim operation, okay? But I think it would be very quickly penetrated by Mossad agents. I detail it in my book. From almost the moment Israel was born, it had its agents penetrating every Arab government, every Arab military organization, and every Arab terrorist group, whatever. So they certainly would have penetrated this. And at some point they said to the bad guys in the CIA, "this is running, what should we do with it?" And the neo-cons said "let's use it".

The twin towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion, not the planes. Now I'm going to tell you in passing that one of my friends is a consultant for one of the world's leading engineering firms. I'm not going to name him. They've studied the films and they've found that there's no doubt whatsoever that the planes were brought down... sorry, that the towers were brought down by controlled ground explosion. And then we have the film of the -- what is sometimes called the five dancing Israelis. Are you aware of that Kevin?”

Barrett: I certainly am. They were celebrating the attacks. They had set up to film before the attacks and they were high-fiving and flicking cigarette lighters in front of the twin towers.

Hart: “That's right. But the point is that they all had mobile phones. Right?”

Barrett: Right.

Hart: “Now they were initially reported as being Muslims. Are you aware of that?”

Barrett: Um... Middle-easterners.

Hart: “Alright, middle-easterners. But the impression was that they were Muslims -- they were the bad guys.”

Barrett: Right.

Hart: “So the FBI gave chase, and these five guys, they tried to avoid being arrested. But they were eventually caught, and they were arrested. And guess what. They were all Mossad agents.”

Barrett: That was confirmed by the Forward.

Hart: “That's right. It's established fact. It suggests that they knew that it was going to happen. It was possible, and this is Alan Hart speaking, that the planes were fitted with transponders, and these guys were calling in the planes to the targets. It's not impossible.”

Barrett: I suppose not. These are many possibilities, but the possibility of remotely-guided planes is a good one, being that, if one had planned a very complex demolition of three skyscrapers which would have been the three largest buildings taken down in history by controlled demolition, one would have to make sure that they were hit in order to justify that.

Hart: “And isn't it the case, Kevin, that quite a lot of your top pilots have said that it would have been a bloody difficult job to drive those planes into those buildings.”

Barrett: Well, that's right. I've had a number of pilots who are members of Pilots for 9/11 Truth come on my show, and they said that the clocked speed of the aircraft, when it hit the South Tower, was nearly 600 miles per hour at sea level. And that's a speed that, well, some of them say that these 767 aircraft couldn't possibly reach that speed at ground level. They would be torn apart at substantially lower speeds than that by the air pressure of the much thicker air at sea level. But, in any case, that nobody in their right mind could claim that it would be possible to guide a plane at that speed at sea level and hit those targets in the way they were hit.

Hart: “So the speculation is that were fitted with some kind of transponder and they were called to the target electronically is not totally irrational?”

Barrett: Uh... well no it's not, and in fact, it's even somewhat questionable whether normal passenger aircraft would be able to do that consistently at that kind of speed. In any case, it seems very doubtful that pilots who couldn't even solo in a Cessna would be performing these amazing stunts to hit their targets.

Hart: “Well, that and two other things Kevin. We know as a fact that at least six and maybe nine of the alleged hijackers who died are in fact alive and living in...”

Barrett (interrupting): Well, that's right. And that's confirmed in Jay Kolar's article "What we now know about the 9/11 hijackers", which was published, actually, in a volume by Europe's top scholarly outfit (inaudible). It's amazing that the scholarly literature is all so one-sided. There's no scholarly counter-literature except for...

Hart: “Except for "how dare you be so anti-Semitic". That's the only counter-literature.”

Barrett: Right, right. And then there's Cass Sunstein's counter-literature published in the Harvard Law Review. He's that Harvard guy who's advising Obama...

[1]. Alan Hart, interviewed on the Kevin Barrett Show, 9/11Truth, Norcal, 16 July 2010: .

[2]. Adam Holland, “ Alan Hart: Israel did 9/11 and may nuke the U.S.”, partial transcript of Alan Hart interview with Kevin Barrett, Adam Holland, 27 May 2010: .

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